
Showing posts from August, 2024

China, How to describe the city of Beijing through its monuments, its history and its culture?

  August 31, 2024 Beijing, in the heart of China, is a city where modern times and ancient traditions intertwine in a captivating way, creating an atmosphere that is both vibrant and mysterious. The air is filled with stories, legacies and an ever-present sense of change, while remaining anchored in its ancient roots.  Dawn breaks over the Forbidden City, the historical soul of Beijing, shrouded in a light mist that slowly dissipates with the first light of day. Its golden roofs sparkle like shards of sunlight, while the rusty walls of the ancient fortress tell of the glorious past of the Ming and Qing dynasties. Each stone, each paving stone seems to whisper secrets to those willing to listen. The details of the undulating dragon, delicately carved on the tiles, and the historical frescoes that adorn the walls, hark back to a time when heaven and earth were seen as sacred entities, and emperors ruled with divine authority. Leaving this majesty, one enters Tian'anmen Square. There,

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